
Journal Publications

Spillover Effects of Specialized High Schools

Journal of Public Economics, (2024), 238: 105170. With Shelby McNeil, Fatih Unlu, Brian Phillips, Julie Edmunds and Eric Grebing.

CTE-focused Dual Enrollment: Participation and Outcomes

Education Finance and Policy (2023). With Julie Edmunds, Fatih Unlu, Brian Phillips, and Bryan Hutchins. 

Beyond Teachers: Estimating Individual School Counselors' Effects on Educational Attainment 

American Economic Review (2023) 113(11), 2846-2893.

Published version

Summaries:  Brief Summary.       EdNext Summary Article           

Media Coverage:    Chalkbeat    Inside Higher Ed  EdNC     KQED

Quarterly Journal of Economics (2021) 136(3): 1831 - 1886. With Adam Altmejd, Andres Barrios-Fernandez, Marin Drlje, Joshua Goodman, Michael Hurwitz, Dejan Kovac, Christopher Neilson  and Jonathan Smith

US Only Version: NBER Working paper 26502 with Joshua Goodman, Michael Hurwitz, and Jonathan Smith

Journal of Labor Economics (2021), 39 (1): 219-262

Published Version

Media Coverage:    The Wall Street Journal     Inside Higher Ed     EdSurge     Naviance

Brief Summary   Web Appendix

Journal of Public Economics, 193 (2021) 104345. With Andrew Bacher-Hicks and Joshua Goodman

Published Version

Media Coverage: Business Insider The Weeds (44:30)

EdNext Summary Article

Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2017, Vol. 10, 4, Pp. 794-816.  with Matthew M. Chingos, Rebecca J. Griffiths, and Richard R. Spies. 

Journal of Higher Education,  2016. Pp. 794-816. With Matthew M. Chingos, Rebecca J. Griffiths, and Richard R. Spies. 

Working Papers

with Isaac M. Opper

Revise and Resubmit at the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Dual Methods for Dual Enrollment

 with Isaac M. Opper, Fatih Unlu, Brian Phillips,  and Julie Edmunds

Revise and Resubmit at Education Finance and Policy

Expanding School Counseling: The Impacts of California Funding Changes.

with Daniel Sparks

Implementation and Impacts of Career Focused Advising

with Brian Phillips, Bryan Hutchins, and Julie Edmunds

Current Grants

Other Writing